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Dear Siblings in Christ,

We are pleased that the Presbytery of Lake Michigan passed the statement The Sin of Racism at its June 8, 2021 Stated Meeting. The statement offers a beginning place for both the presbytery and the congregations as we work together to dismantle racism.  While they are only words at this point, our prayer is that the words and commitment they represent will quickly become actions that ultimately dismantle racism in the presbytery, our congregations, and our communities. We ask you to join with us in those prayers and actions that will move us to a people and society where all God’s image-bearers are loved and treasured for who they are.

We want to apologize, especially to our siblings of color, for any harm and trauma caused to you as you participated in or observed that portion of the meeting during which we discussed the recommendations regarding the “The Sin of Racism.”  We are sorry for the pain you continue to endure in majority white groups as we seek to address racism in our midst. Many white participants commented to us after the meeting regarding specific comments they found to be racist and reflective of white supremacy.

We were saddened by the ignorance of one of our siblings related to the dynamics of racism and white supremacy, and by our sibling’s lack of understanding about how the comments would negatively impact our BIPOC siblings.  We want to assure you that as a presbytery we are working with the individual who made the racist and supremacist comments so it does not happen again.  Our desire is to make the presbytery a safe and equitable space for all our members where all can grow and thrive in this space as we serve God according to the ways we are called.  You have our deepest and sincerest apology and our promise to do better. 

If any members of the Presbytery or those who observed its proceedings have any questions or would like to talk, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Peace in Christ,

Fran Lane-Lawrence      
Transitional Co-Leader/Stated Clerk

Cal Bremer
Transitional Co-Leader

*This information is to be shared as correspondence from the Presbytery with members of the Session at their next meeting. Please share this information with congregation members in your next newsletter.