Remember to complete the 2020 Session Annual Statistical Report before Friday, February 12.

Clerks of Session may find more information and links to the online statistical reporting below.  

Visit the job postings page on the presbytery’s website.

Find information about the search by Delta Presbyterian Church of Lansing for a part-time administrative assistant and check out other job opportunities. To advertise a job there, send a job description and details about how candidates may apply to

Register to attend the 2021 Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators (APCE) Virtual Event.

The event February 4-6 will include workshops, keynote speakers and worship focused on “Anything But Ordinary Time” and Revelation 21:5a . Learn more about the event below or by contacting Sallie Campbell at


 Individuals seeking reimbursement from the Presbytery of Lake Michigan for mileage and other expenses should now use the 2021 Payment Voucher Form. Click below to learn more and to find a copy of the form. Previous forms will no longer be accepted.  

Camp scholarships

Children and youth within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan may get camp scholarship funds from a special program through the First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven. Click below for more details and the application form.