Topics in this eDIGEST:
- AWARDED: PLM Scholarships for programs, camp, equipment
- NOTE: Presbytery offices to close for Christmas
- WATCH: An online “Christmas Bash” presented by New City Kids
- AVAILABLE: Advent worship series from Synod of the Covenant
- REMEMBER: Complete evaluation for 12/1/20 PLM Stated Meeting
AWARDED: PLM Scholarships for programs, camp, equipment
More than $9,900 was distributed by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan this year to help congregations and worshipping communities fund programs, and to help youth and families pay for 2021 camp adventures.
The scholarships all were funded with proceeds from the sale of some properties owned by the presbytery and formerly used by Camp Greenwood.
Just over $6,600 was divided between seven congregations and worshipping communities. The applicants sought more than $18,450. Recipients included:
* UKirk at MSU for its “Lift Every Voice” program to help lift the voices of marginalized communities on campus.
* First Presbyterian Church in Paw Paw to improve community interaction.
* First Presbyterian Church of Buchanan for six monthly meetings with New Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church to promote relationships and cultural diversity.
* Mount Hope Presbyterian Church in Lansing to help purchase broadcast equipment for online worship programs and outdoor community outreach programs.
* United Campus Ministries in Kalamazoo to help fund a two-part workshop encouraging students to organize around racial equity and justice.
* New Life Korean Church in East Lansing to help fund transportation and food as part of its campus Bible study.
* True North Campus Ministry in Grand Rapids to help fund staff and program costs related to interacting with students at Grand Rapids Community College, Kendall College of Art and Design, and Grand Valley State University.
Scholarships of $200 each were given to help six individuals and one family pay for 2021 camp adventures. Those recipients included Lindsay Duell; Owen Peckham; Stephen, Donna and Caleb Henson–Bohlen, and the Rev. Karen Fitz-LaBarge family.
Since there were no applications received for the youth leadership scholarships and there were still funds designated for camping scholarships left, the remaining $2,108 was split between the Greenwood Ministries Association and Camp Henry for their respective camp scholarship funds.
Applications for the 2021 scholarships will be due April 19, 2021. Click here to find the scholarship application forms on the document page of the presbytery’s website.
NOTE: Presbytery offices to close for Christmas
The Presbytery of Lake Michigan offices will close from Monday, December 21, 2020 through Monday, January 4, 2021 for the Christmas holiday.
Staff will check voice mails and emails periodically during this period and respond as appropriate. If there is an emergency, please contact either the Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence, Transitional Co-Leader and Stated Clerk, or the Rev. Cal Bremer, Transitional Co-Leader.
WATCH: An online “Christmas Bash” presented by New City Kids
Lots of Advent hope and joy are included in the New City Kids 2020 online Christmas Bash that provides some fun insight into the season and some information about the program led by one of our presbytery members. Click here to see the program.
“I especially encourage people to consider the presentation in light of the Equity and Representation presentation made at last week’s Stated Meeting,” says the Rev. Linda Rubingh, a member of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.
Rubingh and her husband, Trevor, founded New City Kids to empower at-risk teens to become role models for kids in their neighborhood. Click here to learn more about the program, which has program sites in Grand Rapids and Detroit in Michigan plus Jersey City and Paterson, New Jersey.
AVAILABLE: Advent worship series from Synod of the Covenant
Pastors, worship leaders, musicians and tech gurus of the various presbyteries within the Synod of the Covenant have been working to create and offer worship services as a gift to our congregations for each Sunday in Advent, Christmas Eve and the first Sunday of Christmas.
The service for the third Sunday in Advent is led by staff with the Synod of the Covenant.
Links to the sermons, scriptures and complete service files for each week will be posted on the Synod’s website each week. Click below to access those files.
REMEMBER: Complete evaluation for 12/1/20 PLM Stated Meeting
Commissioners who attended the Stated Meeting – and individuals who viewed the proceedings via the livestream feed – are asked to complete an online survey about the meeting to help leaders plan for future events. Click here to complete the survey.
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