Topics in this eDIGEST:


  1. NOTE: Stated Meeting to include Communion, examination, budget talks and more
  2. REMEMBER: Statistical report portal opens December 4
  3. AVAILABLE: Advent worship series from Synod of the Covenant
  4. INFO: Various topics covered in Board of Pensions flyer
  5. SEEKING: Financial secretary sought by Pennfield Presbyterian


NOTE: Stated Meeting to include Communion, examination, budget talks and more

The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 1, via electronic meeting technology. The keynote address and message will be delivered by the Rev. Molly Casteel, PC(USA) Equity and Representation Manager and Assistant Stated Clerk.

Those commissioners with voice and vote who registered to attend the meeting will receive Zoom link details on Monday, November 30 via the email address provided during the registration process. All others may observe the meeting via a live stream link that will be available on the presbytery’s website.

The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated during the December 1 Stated Meeting. Please make sure you have some Communion elements available near your electronic device – some grape juice or wine and some bread.

Find the Stated Meeting packet under the “Presbytery Meetings” tab at

*  Also find information about virtual meeting protocols on the website under the Stated Meetings tab. (We are not using Zoom Webinar this time.) The protocols explain how you will enter the meeting space this time (via a waiting room), how you should enter your screen name (First name and Last Name – Congregation or Group), how you raise your hands to be recognized for making comment, how you should cast a voter, etc.) Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to access the protocols information directly.

*  Orientation for newly elected commissioners is slated for 9 a.m. Monday, November 30, via a Zoom meeting. Orientation information will be sent directly to those individuals who identified themselves during the Stated Meeting registration process as coming to their first presbytery meeting. Others who want to attend the orientation should send a message to



REMEMBER: Statistical report portal opens December 4


Clerks of Session should mark Friday, December 4, as the date the on-line statistical reporting system at will open for the PC(USA) 2020 Session Annual Statistical Report. Workbooks will only be available by download from this link. Sessions should approve the statistical report contents as soon as possible after December 31. The deadline for entering the statistical reports is Friday, February 12, 2021. After that date, the online system will no longer be available.

Have questions about how to prepare the annual statistical report? Contact the presbytery’s Stated Clerk, Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence at


AVAILABLE: Advent worship series from Synod of the Covenant


Pastors, worship leaders, musicians and tech gurus of the presbyteries within the Synod of the Covenant have creating and offering as a gift to our congregations worship services for each Sunday in Advent, Christmas Eve and the first Sunday of Christmas.

The service for the first Sunday in Advent is led by leaders and members of the Presbytery of  Miami Valley and the Presbytery of Cincinnati. Click here to access a video file on Vimeo with the complete service.

Links to the sermons, scriptures and complete service files for each week also will be posted on the Synod’s website. Click here to access those files.


INFO: Various topics covered in Board of Pensions flyer

Information about a wide variety of topics is highlighted in a flyer recently distributed by the Board of Pensions, including:

A dues holiday for participants in the Medicare Supplement Plan meaning that the $275 monthly cost for each member and enrolled spouse is excused for December 2020. Click below for more details in The Board Bulletin.

View the Board Bulletin

The transition effective January 1, 2021, to Express Scripts administering the prescription drug program for those with medical coverage through the Board of Pensions. Click here for more details.

Pharmacy Benefits Details

A 2% experience apportionment increase that took effect July 1 for the pension plan. Click here to learn more about the permanent increase in credits and benefits, that marks the eighth consecutive year an apportionment has been granted.

2% Apportionment Details

 See the attached flyer for information about other topics like state-based pricing for the dental PPO plan, the Board’s statement on racial justice and the THRIVE seminars that provide holistic retirement planning information.

View Flyer

More information also is available from the Rev. Doug Portz, a church consultant with the Board of Pensions, by sending a message to or calling (267) 788-4982.



SEEKING: Financial secretary sought by Pennfield Presbyterian


The search for a part-time financial secretary is underway at the Pennfield Presbyterian Church in Battle Creek as their longtime church secretary, Jean Smith, prepares to retire.

The hired individual will work 10 to 15 hours per week. Responsibilities will include recording financial contributions, generating giving statements and making bank deposits along with filing, correspondence and answering the phone. Familiarity with accounting software and computer skills required. Applicants should send their resume and a cover letter to Rev. Annemarie Kidder at

REMEMBER that there is a job posting section on the website. To advertise a job there, simply send a job description and details about how individuals may apply to