Prayer Requests
- Our continued worship in these changing times. Like many churches, our congregation now live streams worship and responds to related challenges.
- The volunteers, staff and guests who participate in our weekly Community Lunch Program. With the pandemic, distribution is now done with curbside pick up instead of being served in the fellowship hall. The number of guests has increased to several hundred each week, and we often run out of prepared food.
- Our efforts to organize community events that raise awareness about and funds for our Community Lunch. We held a concert this summer at the gazebo in Mahan Park (so we could socially distance) and had a outdoor booth at the Otsego Creative Arts Festival. Plans for our annual Christmas show remain uncertain
We also offer prayers of thanksgiving for grants — including from the Allegan County Community Foundation —that help fund our Community Lunch program.

Keep in touch with us!
200 Cutler Street
Allegan, MI 49010
Phone: (269) 673-4631
Email: alleganpres1@yahoo.com
Pastor: Rev. Kathlyn Nealand
Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God. |
Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.
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