Prayer Requests
UKirk at Michigan State University rejoices that:
- We have continued meeting online – uninterrupted — since the pandemic began. We were able to meet all summer and now into the fall, connecting folks from Traverse City to California, the Chicago area to Mackinac Island, and many other areas. We have worshiped, we have listened, we have learned and we have prayed together each week. UKirk continues to provide a steady grounding in faith, a constant reminder of God’s love in otherwise isolating days.
- There is continued growth in our ministry and the UKirk campus ministries network in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
- Our partner churches and our board members continue to support this mission and ministry.
And we seek prayers for:
- Students, faculty, staff and administrators at Michigan State and Lansing Community College as they continue to navigate the challenges of this pandemic.
- Students and young adults who feel isolated and overwhelmed. Many are cut off from experiences that usually go with college. This is especially difficult for first-year students and those who long to connect in person despite being away from home.
- Those individuals on campuses who continue to experience racism, both individually and systemically and through everyday microaggressions. God, continue to move all of us to speak out against white supremacy and actively work toward an anti-racist world on earth as it is in heaven.

UKirk at MSU was among the very first campus ministries in PC(USA) to accept the Matthew 25 invitation, and we are committed to working to dismantle structural racism. We have distributed anti-racism books to college students in five states, been represented in UKirk’s national Anti-Racism training, started a new Bible study group, and continue building on relationships with others in our campus communities who are engaged in this vital work.
During a UKirk student-led worship service in East Lansing, people were invited to write their own version of Psalm 23. This version, written during that service, was included on a card inviting others at several national events to complete the same exercise.
The Lord is my alongsider.
I shall not freak out.
He makes me take a chill pill & know that I’m okay,
he leads me to know my beloved-ness
he restores my sense of self.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of darkness, depression, death, loss, sadness, grief, unknown, fear
I shall fear no evil because you are with me.
Your love, grace, presence, they comfort me.
You know me.
You love me.
Surely grace and presence will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in unsurpassable peace forever.

Keep in touch with us!
1315 Abbot Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Phone: (517) 897-1482
Email: neil@ukirkmsu.org
Campus Minister: Neil Myer
Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God. |
Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.
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