Prayer Requests


First Presbyterian Church rejoices that our physical plant and finances are solid. The fairly recent purchase of an adjacent lot has given us a wonderful, smooth and shady space for outside worship on Sunday afternoons during this time of COVID-19.

The congregation seeks prayers for its leadership as several transitions occur.
  • Members of the Pastor Nominating Committee, under very challenging conditions, are actively seeking a new pastor for the congregation.
  • The congregation said goodbye this summer to their children and youth minister who served for seven years and resigned this summer to move to Kentucky, and is seeking a replacement for their office manager.
  • The nominating committee seeks candidates to fill five of the nine ruling elder positions on the 2021 Session.
The pastoral and professional leadership within the congregation has been so solid and so stable for so long that the transition has been difficult. But, by God’s grace, a few church members have really stepped forth in faith to help and are growing their faith because of it.
The church also seeks prayers for several members battling COVID-10, including a stalwart ruling elder on Session.





The vision of this congregation — which truly has been internalized by most of its members —  is “Roots Down, Branches Out.”


This vision describes the congregation both spiritually and ministerially.

The members of this congregation desire to go more deeply into God spiritually so that they might blossom for God in all aspects of their lives.

The service orientation of the congregation is decidedly local with roots deep in the community’s needs. Its programs include a food pantry, a weekly community supper served to all, Pub Theology gatherings, bi-monthly ArtsBridge programs, and summer programs for children and youth. (Pandemic conditions mean all these programs have been limited or suspended for now.)

As a truly integrated congregation, we strive daily to live into the beautiful diversity of God.





Keep in touch with us!


Physical address:
475 Green Avenue,
Benton Harbor MI 49022

Mailing address:
PO Box 186,
Benton Harbor, MI 49023

Phone: (269) 925-7075
Interim Pastor: Rev. Scott Paul Bonham



Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God.


Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.