Prayer Requests
- Our community is unified in respect and equality for all people.
- Our country turns to loyalty to God first amidst the unrest, fear and divisions among people.
- Our church models faithfulness to God in our community.
- Our God will guide us as we discern how to be the faithful disciples that Jesus Christ calls us to be

First Presbyterian Church of Three Rivers/Centreville is a church that God is challenging to seek, nurture and grow in faithfulness.
- As with many churches, our age demographic is increasing with a decline in younger members. We are blessed with a few young families who feel loved and nurtured by our community of faith.
- There is great concern among us that we live in an increasingly divisive and angry world where the good of the people is secondary to self-serving interests.
- We are beginning a book study — via Zoom meetings — of “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” with a view to becoming a church that, in humility, seeks to understand ourselves so that, with God’s help, we will be a part of God’s healing in this world; not a barrier to God’s kingdom.
- Our desire is to be an open community to ALL of God’s children!

Keep in touch with us!
320 North Main Street
Three Rivers, MI 49093
Phone: (269) 273-9571
Email: office@firstprestrc.com
Pastor: Rev. Brenda Deily
Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God. |
Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.
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