Some resources are being provided by PC(USA) to help local church leaders understand programs and details about recent federal legislation and how it impacts human resources and financial situations. The resources include:

COVID-19 Legislation Guide Overview: A Guide for Presbyterian Churches and Ministries

This 11-page document provides overview summary sheets with information about various loans, tax credits and human resource topics addressed in recent legislation. It is prepared by Jean Hemphill, legal counsel to The Board of Pensions to PC(USA); Mike Kirk, general counsel to the PC(USA) A Corporation; and Angela Curry, vice president-general counsel to the Presbyterian Foundation. 

COVID-19 Legislation: Webinars about the topic

What do you need to know about how the recent federal COVID relief laws interact with employee benefits? Find some information about these laws is a three-part series of educational presentation videos created by three attorneys who serve agencies of the PC(USA). The series includes:

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Mike Kirk, General Counsel of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) A Corporation, provides an overview of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, including Emergency Paid Sick Leave, Emergency Family Medical Leave Act, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program, and State Unemployment Claims. 

COVID-19 Benefits Issues

Jean Hemphill, Legal Counsel to the Board of Pensions of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), provides information related to employee benefits.  

Financial and Stewardship Resources during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Angela Curry, Vice President-General Counsel of the Presbyterian Foundation, provides an overview of financial and stewardship resources available for congregations, including the CARES Act.

All of the videos may be found below:

Please note that the information in these presentations is educational in nature, and not intended to be legal advice. If specific advice is needed, you should contact the attorney or financial professional retained by you or your organization.