Congregations across the Presbytery of Lake Michigan are offering prayers, devotionals and virtual activities to help their congregations – and themselves – stay connected and focused as our lives change during the coronavirus crisis.

Here are some examples of what our congregations are doing. Feel free to share your ideas by posting to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan’s public group page at

First Presbyterian Church of Richland

Rev. Mark Jennings hosts a live evening prayer service at 6 p.m. on Facebook. Earlier in the day, he posts a request seeking specific petitions around a theme – teachers, emergency workers, those without jobs – and then names those requests during the service that is recorded.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church in East Lansing

Rev. Kristin Stroble publishes a newsletter via email Mondays through Thursday. She sometimes includes a specific narrative prayer that individuals may read at their own pace or a list of specific prayer concerns for her congregation. But each Tuesday, she offers a different prayer technique. One of her first suggestions was to pray in color.

Sometimes we don’t have the words to name our emotions, our pain, or our longing. If you are word-weary, easily distracted, or just in need of a new way to pray, try “praying in color.” All you need is paper and a drawing device (pen, markers, colored pencils or crayons).

Simple instructions:

  1. Draw a shape.
  2. Put the name of a person or thing you are praying for inside the shape.
  3. Add lines, squiggles and dots.
  4. Add color.
  5. Think of each stroke as a moment of prayer.

Or make it up. Doodle or draw as you feel moved. No words are necessary. No artistic skill is necessary, only a longing for the presence of God. Visit for more ideas.

First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven

Rev. Troy Hauser Brydon and Rev. Kristine Aragon Bruce take turns creating short daily reflections that they post to the church website.

First Presbyterian Church of Paw Paw

Like many pastors, Rev. Tiffany McCafferty is posting devotional reflections online but she also is sharing Monday Musical Meditations recorded by Theresa Vaughn. The musical meditations are accompanied by photo collages. You may find all the videos on Facebook or collected in one space at their website.