People, Places and Programs from across the Presbytery of Lake MI
Please share the information via newsletters, bulletins, social posts and other communication methods .

2. Your photos tell a story…

and you might have a chance to share it within the PC(USA) 2020-2021 planning calendar.
Presbyterians are invited to tell the world — through images — all the ways their church, mid council or organization are helping our denomination become a more relevant presence.
Simply submit photographs of activities happening within your congregation or group. . . and they might be used in the next PC(USA) planning calendar.
Images should feature church members and friends engaged in activities like worship, mission work and creative arts. (Don’t send staged photos of groups or people sitting at a table.) The calendar format is “landscape,” meaning photos should be wider than tall. Pictures should be high-resolution images (2000 x 1500 pixels and no smaller than 1 MB), and sent with a caption and photo credit. If children are shown, please ensure the use and distribution of the photo complies with your safe church policy. More information about submitting photographs for consideration, including access to an online form, is available by clicking here.
3. Thanksgiving Office Hours

The Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be closed Thursday, November 28, so staff may enjoy the holiday with family and friends.
The offices will open again at 9 a.m. Monday, December 2, so we can make final preparations for the Stated Meeting on Tuesday, December 3, at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids.
News to Use:
Church and Group Announcements
Have an event your church or group would like to promote? Send information about the event to at least three weeks before the event. Items will be used as space permits.
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