Make 2018 Per Capita and Shared Mission Payments
Return 2019 Declarations of Intent

As the calendar year winds to a close, please take a few minutes to make sure your congregation has made its 2018 per capita and shared mission payments.

Remember that the 2018 per capita rate is $28.98, which includes $7.33 for the General Assembly plus $3.25 for the Synod of the Covenant and $18.00 for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. The 2019 per capita rate of $32.20 includes $8.95 for the General Assembly plus $3.25 for the Synod of the Covenant and $20 for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.

The presbytery asks that you indicate your 2019 Shared Commitment Pledge by completing a “Declaration of Intent” form. (Click here to find the form on the Presbytery website. Download the file and save a copy to your computer before inputting and saving your congregation’s information. Return the completed document as an attachment sent to

Thank you for helping the presbytery to move into the new year as we support each other and continue to do God’s work in our community.