Learning about the Matthew 25 initiative, completing the first read of the 2022 proposed budget and setting the 2022 per capita rate were all part of the September 18, 2021, Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan.

The meeting also included celebrating the movement by the Commission on the Preparation for Ministry of both Madelyne Lambert and Nathaniel Fryer from inquirer to candidate.

  • Click here for informational documents referenced during the meeting, and click here to access a summary information sheet about the 2022 per capita rate.
  • Click here for a video recording of the meeting, including comments by Elder Elona Street-Stewart, co-moderator of the 224th General Assembly (2020) of the PC(USA), as she spoke about “Matthew 25: A Bold Vision & Invitation to Actively Engage in the World” and comments by members of the Budget & Finance Committee about the 2022 proposed budget and the related narrative.

Also during the meeting, seven commissioners were selected to receive books recommended by Elder Elona Street-Stewart. The winners included Elder Judy Kish (Decatur – First); Elder Janet Magennis (Holland – First); Rev. Greg Larsen (Big Rapids – United); Elder Doreen Chapman (Mason – First); Rev. Timothy Chon (Lansing – North Westminster); Elder Craig Taylor (Cadillac – First), and Rev. Amber Nettleton (Member at Large).

Presbytery members are asked to complete an evaluation form to provide feedback about how to improve future stated meetings. Click here to complete the evaluation.

The next regular stated meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 7, 2021, via Zoom. Watch the Presbytery Meetings page at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org/presbytery-meeting/ for more details.