Siblings in Christ Jesus,

Grace to you and peace during these days of fast-paced change. We are all reacting to changes that bring both a loss of the familiar and opportunities for our future together. It is hard to keep up with what all these changes might mean for us and our members.

Legislation recently enacted brings opportunities for our churches and related organizations to address some of the current financial and operational challenges. However, there is a degree of uncertainty regarding the adopted legislation and the attendant regulations as some of you have observed. We are attempting to provide you with the most useful and current information that comes to us.

Attached you will find two documents:

  • The first document, titled The Families First Cornavirus Response Act, is from Michael Kirk, General Counsel for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  It provides an overview and some links to helpful information about this act.
  • The second document, titled Summary of CARES Act Provisions, was created specifically for congregations and mid-councils by request. Jean Hemphill, a member of the Church Alliance and an advisor to the Board of Pensions, was asked by the Executives of the six agencies of the General Assembly and the President of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation to provide a resource to congregations and mid councils on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The attached document is a resource from the Church Alliance, which summarizes the CARES Act and how financial resources authorized under the Act might be accessed.

As we receive more information, we will call it to your attention. We continue to pray for our congregations and all those touched by your ministries.

Serving God and God’s people in the Presbytery of Lake Michigan,

Rev. Cal Bremer
Transitional Co-Leader

Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence
Transitional Co-Leader/ Stated Clerk

Attached Documents