On his first day back in office, President Donald Trump took swift action to reshape U.S. immigration policy, signing eight executive orders. These measures included declaring a national emergency at the southern border, challenging birthright citizenship, and closing pathways to asylum—actions that have already prompted legal challenges.
One executive order directed the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain more immigrants pending deportation, increasing the number of people in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facilities. These facilities have a troubling history of abusive treatment and inadequate medical care. Another order escalated prosecutions for unauthorized entry and residence, revived racially discriminatory practices, and imposed criminal and civil penalties for failing to register as undocumented. These policies are spreading fear in communities across the U.S., leading to increased detention, deportation, and human rights violations.
While all people deserve fair treatment before the law, current policies undermine this principle. Families are being separated, and individuals are denied the opportunity to defend their rights and liberties. Deportations should be carried out only when necessary, and always with fairness and dignity.
As Presbyterians, we affirm God’s care for the oppressed (Confession of Belhar) and are called to love and advocate for immigrant and refugee families (Deuteronomy 10:18).
To support advocacy and allyship, we’ve compiled resources for immigrant communities and those seeking to assist them. We encourage you to share these tools with your congregations and raise awareness in your communities.
Resources for Legal Help and Family Preparedness
- Michigan Immigrant Rights Center – information on rights and family preparedness.
- ACLU: Know Your Rights – provides an overview of immigrants’ rights and how to reduce risk in different scenarios, including traffic stops, home raids, and arrests near the border.
- American Federation of Teachers (AFT) – Know Your Rights Information for Students and Families fact sheet with action steps and information to help schools and families prepare for immigration enforcement.
Resources for Advocacy, Education, and Allyship
- Immigration Advocates Network – Resources for advocates, organizers, and service providers.
- PC(USA) Immigration Resources
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC): Know Your Rights Toolkit resources for advocates and community members, including Know Your Rights, red cards, family preparedness plans, and a train-the-trainer toolkit to support advocates in holding a Know Your Rights presentation in your community.
Upcoming Know Your Rights Trainings for Faith Leaders
To help equip faith leaders with knowledge and best practices, Lighthouse Immigrant Advocates, our trusted community partner and leader in immigration law is hosting a Know Your Rights training for faith leaders on Wednesday February 5th from 1:30-3:00pm. This session will provide guidance on how to respond if immigration enforcement arrives at your place of worship.
Please register in advance for this meeting:
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