Registration for the June 11, 2024, Stated Presbytery Meeting at First Presbyterian Church of Holt is now open. Registration will be open until June 4, 2024.
The theme for this meeting will be Ministry with Imagination with an invitation for congregations to participate in the first PLM Missionpalooza. If you would like to highlight a ministry that your congregation engages in, please register using this link: https://lakemichiganpresbytery.breezechms.com/form/481ab0 Rev. Sarah Juist, pastor of Parkwood Presbyterian Church in Jenison, MI, will preach.
Lunch will be provided following the meeting, and will cost $15 per person. Vegetarian and gluten-free options are available. Payment may be made by mailing a check to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan or via the online portal.
Childcare will be provided during the meeting.
The Presbytery is switching to a new digital sign in system for the Presbytery meeting. To make the process faster, you will be receiving an email a few days prior to the Presbytery Meeting to make a Breeze Profile. Please set this up prior to the meeting and confirm your contact information.
Important dates:
- 5/24/2024 – Preliminary Packet Posted
- 6/4/2024 – Registration Closes
- 6/4/2024 – Final Packet Posted
- 6/6/2024 – Final Docket Posted
- 6/6/2024 – Training for New Commissioners
Please be sure to print or download a copy of the Presbytery Meeting Packet and Docket before arriving to the meeting.
Please direct questions about the Stated Meeting details to agroenenboom@lakemichiganpresbytery.org
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