Delegates are needed for two important church events. Young ecumenists and those interested are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in representing the PC(USA) or know someone who might be, please notify the PC(USA) Ecumenical & Interreligious Relations office immediately for more information.

World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) General Council is being held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 13 – 23, 2025. Up to five delegates are needed. If you are engaged in ecumenical work and are available to represent the PC(USA), contact Dianna Wright at 

The Caribbean and North America Area Council (CANAAC) of WCRC will hold its General Assembly (GA) on October 25 – 31, 2024, in Grand Cayman Island. Delegates must be registered by June 30, 2024. Up to four delegates are needed.