You are invited to an opportunity sponsored in partnership by the Synod of the Covenant and the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. The Leader’s Table is a four-session series asking pastors to consider how we lead in a space we’ve never been before. Our ministry training no longer seems to equip us to lead in this moment. To understand how to lead in this place, we need space to engage together with questions like where we are and what leadership needs to look like.
The Rev. Chrissy Westbury, Associate Presbyter for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan participated in a pilot program of the Leader’s Table with other Synod of The Covenant Mid-Council leaders and found it “a worthwhile endeavor for forming connections and generating new ideas and new energy around this liminal space the church currently inhabits.”
What is a Leader’s Table (LT):
The LT is a four-session series comprised of:
- Four 90-minute sessions built around engaging one of these key questions:
- What is this new space where we find ourselves and how did we get here?
- How does the Bible guide us when we find ourselves in spaces we’ve never been before?
- What are the skills and practices for leaders in this new space?
- How can you begin to step into these skills and practices in your context?
- Prior to each session, you receive a video to watch. Each video provides content around the question for that session as preparation for our table conversation.
- Facilitators: Our facilitators are Alan Roxburgh and Phil Reed.
What you will come away with:
- A deeper understanding of the key leadership questions and how to engage them.
- Seeing the critical importance of table companions in leading in this time
- A series of next steps for you in your congregation.
How to participate:
- Dates for the sessions: September 13 and 27 and October 11 and 25 at 10 am ET.
- Cost: The Synod and its member presbyteries have underwritten a large portion of the cost of the workshops The cost for participants will be $50.
Register here: Leadership Development Workshops – Synod of the Covenant
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