Justice League Annual Celebration (2022), Photo from https://www.justiceleagueglm.org/

In their ongoing efforts toward racial equity and justice within the Presbytery, the Racial Equity Cohort has been diligently seeking insights and ideas to address historical harm. Following an inspiring presentation by Jermaine Ross-Allam, director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Center for Repair of Historical Harm, the cohort eagerly looks forward to their next meeting on August 14 at 2 p.m. via Zoom. This meeting will feature a presentation by Elder Willye Bryan, the founder of the Justice League of Greater Lansing Michigan (JLGLM), who will share the organization’s journey and approach to repair and reparations within the community.

The Justice League, established as a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization in 2022, advocates for a Reparations Project aimed at supporting the descendants of enslaved Africans in the Greater Lansing Area. Formed in 2021 by Willye Bryan, along with Prince Solace, the Director of Congregational Life and Outreach, and Rev. Stan Jenkins, the pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Lansing, the organization sought collaboration with like-minded individuals from Holt First Presbyterian, Edgewood UCC, and All Saints Episcopal.

Recognizing the diverse contexts of each community and congregation, the Racial Equity Cohort anticipates that learning about the Justice League’s work in the greater Lansing area will spark valuable ideas for fostering racial equity in their own communities. As they invite others to join their Zoom meeting, the cohort aims to initiate conversations surrounding repair and reparations, exploring ways in which churches can contribute to this vital cause.

The upcoming meeting promises to be a significant step in the collective journey toward racial justice and healing. By sharing their experiences and strategies, the Justice League and the Racial Equity Cohort are inspiring a broader movement focused on redressing historical harm and promoting a more inclusive society.