Printed copies of the new 2023-2025 Book of Order will be available soon!

Publication of this book – Part II of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA) as amended after the 225th General Assembly – occurred on June 30. Copies will be available later this summer.

To help everyone cut costs, the presbytery is coordinating a bulk order for printed copies of this book.

The cost will be $10 per copy. That includes having the book(s) shipped to the presbytery and then delivered to you in person or via a postal shipment. (The list price for a single copy ordered from The PC(USA) Store is $10 plus shipping. They charge $9.85 to ship a single copy.)

There have been substantial revisions made to this edition based on decisions made during the 225th General Assembly held during the summer of 2022. It is strongly recommended that congregations and elders replace previous editions with this version.

NOTE: A pdf version of the book is available for free if you’re willing to print your own copy.  (Congregational leaders also may find a copy of the pdf version in the “Book of Order” folder in the password-protected Presbytery Records folder.) 

Once the presbytery receives the printed books, copies will be delivered as quickly as possible to anyone who submits a bulk order request via an online order form AND has sent payment to the presbytery.

A pdf document summarizing all information submitted via the online order form will be sent to the supplied email acknowledging the order and providing an invoice that can be used in your accounts payable process.

Payment may be made by:

  •  Mailing a check to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan at 1511 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002. The memo should indicate payment is for the Book of Order.
  •  Submitting  payment via an electronic portal. (It is strongly recommended that you set up an account when using this method so that the account can be used again in the future to pay for lunches at Stated Meetings or other purchases. The system does withhold a 2-percent transaction fee for each payment. Consider adding  2-percent when entering the payment method details to help offset this cost.)

Questions about the bulk order – or using the online payment portal – may be directed to