A bulk order for the 2023-24 PC(USA) planning calendars is being coordinated by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan to help congregations and individuals obtain the resource at a reduced cost.
The next edition of the planning calendar – with worship planning aides, lectionary references, liturgical days and colors, and programmatic emphases for September 2023 through December 2024 – will be available from the PC(USA) Store sometime in late July. The calendar will again be printed on non-glossy paper.
This year, the list price for a single copy ordered from the PC(USA) Store is $16.95 plus shipping. (They charge $9.85 to ship a single copy and increase the charge for each additional copy.)
You can reduce the cost to $12 per copy by reserving copies by Thursday, July 27, 2023, in a bulk order that the presbytery is coordinating.
The cost includes having the calendars shipped to the presbytery and then delivered to you in person or via a postal shipment. Although an exact delivery date is not known yet, it is anticipated the calendars will be delivered to the presbytery office by early August.
Click here to submit information and join the bulk order of planning calendars. Remember to print a copy of the completed form to send with your payment to the presbytery office. (Highlight the entire form online then right click and choose ‘print selection’ to save it as a PDF file or send it to your printer.)
NOTE: A bulk order of the 2023-2025 PC(USA) Book of Order – which will take effect July 9 — will be coordinated by the presbytery as soon as copies are available. Please contact the presbytery’s office manager at office@lakemichiganpresybtery.org or (269) 381-6337 ext. 3 with questions.
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