Information and an online application to receive a scholarship from the Synod of the Covenant are available now for students pursuing education beyond high school.

The scholarships will be awarded by June 30 and are available to any full or part-time student pursuing their first baccalaureate degree or certification at a college, university or vocational school or their first master’s degree in theology.

Applicants will be asked to describe the ways or organizations for whom they provide Christian leadership, especially those that help churches or ministries to thrive, address structural racism and/or engage poverty issues.

Each applicant must submit requested information and documents, including a copy of the Expected Family Contribution statement from FAFSA, by May 31, 2023. More details and an online application form are available on the Synod’s website.

In addition, the applicant’s pastor or Session must submit an endorsement letter. Details about what the letter must include and how to submit it are available online.

The scholarships are available to any Presbyterians, including seminarians, who come from within the bounds of the Synod and are active with their congregation. Students are eligible to apply annually for up to five years.

Scholarship recipients will be asked to submit a short video about how their experiences are related to the Matthew 25 Initiative and their goals after graduation.