Information distributed recently by the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will help local congregations set their budgets and prepare for the new year.
The resources include:
- Information about the 2023 per capita rate of $39.10 per person. That rate includes $9.85 for the PC(USA) General Assembly, $3.25 for the Synod of the Covenant, and $26.00 for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. Click here for a summary sheet.
- A form for the Declaration of Intent for Shared Mission Giving to indicate what support a congregation pledges to contribute during 2023. Per capita apportionment, church-wide special offerings and other specific appeals like disaster relief are NOT a part of the shared or directed mission support pledge.
- A statement detailing the 2023 per capita apportionment assessment for a congregation and a statement of payments made by that congregation towards the 2022 per capita apportionment through September 30, 2022. A paper copy of both customized documents was sent via postal mail in mid-October. If another copy is needed, please send a message to bookkeeper@lakemichiganpresbytery.org
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