Learning skills for “Taming the Dragon: Living Well with Inevitable Conflict” is the focus of a special workshop being presented by two Presbytery of Lake Michigan pastors.
The program will be presented from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, November 12, 2022, at the First Presbyterian Church of Battle Creek by the Rev. Scott Crane of First Presbyterian Church in Dimondale and the Rev. Mike Wicks of First Presbyterian Church of Battle Creek.
The facilitators will share information they acquired through a course at the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center. Participants will learn about lowering conflict, different conflict styles and conversation skills.
There is a $15 fee to attend the program, which includes lunch and a conflict style inventory. To register, call (269) 964-3700. Click here for an informational flyer about the program that is open to everyone.
More information may be obtained via an email to pastormike@firstpresbc.org or pastor@fpcdimondale.org.
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