Preparations are being made for the annual Celebration of Saints when the names of all ruling elders who have gone to eternal glory during the past year will be reported and honored during the December 06, 2022 Presbytery of Lake Michigan Stated Meeting.
The presbytery now is compiling a list of any ruling elders who joined the Church Triumphant between October 1, 2021 and September 30, 2022.
The information must be submitted by Thursday, November 10, 2022 to be included in the worship liturgy during the December 6, 2022 stated meeting.
Church leaders should gather a list of any ruling elders – who should be included in the Celebration of Saints list and the dates of their death. Then, click here to enter the information via an online form.
If no ruling elders died in the past year, simply record “NONE” in the field that asks for the names of any individuals so that it can be reported that your church did respond.
The information also may be reported using a fillable .pdf report form. After entering the requested information, save a copy of the file to the computer desktop. Then send the file as an email attachment to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org.
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