An opportunity to complete 2021 Session Minute Reviews will be offered before and after the Presbytery’s Stated Meeting on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at Spring Lake Presbyterian Church. The review sessions will go from 8 to 8:45 a.m. and then after the meeting for one hour.
Those who plan to participate in the 2021 Session Minute Review sessions before or after the Stated Meeting should bring their minutes book and completed 2021 Minute Review Checklist form. A copy of the form is attached in both .pdf and Word format. (Either form should be downloaded and saved onto your computer before edits are made.) A copy of the form is available in both .pdf and Word format.” with hyperlinks from “.pdf” and “Word” to the appropriate document.
Stay tuned for when, and where, additional 2021 Session Minute Review sessions will be held if September 17 does not work for you.
Please contact the Rev. Annamarie Groenenboom, the presbytery’s assistant clerk, at agroenenboom@
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