The next regular Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held beginning at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 17, 2022 in person at the Spring Lake Presbyterian Church.
Teaching elders, designated elder commissioners, commissioners designated to balance the rolls, corresponding members, presenters and staff will gather at the church, unless COVID conditions change, to conduct business and worship. All others may attend the meeting via a live stream video feed that will be available on the presbytery’s website that day.
The docket will include first reading of the 2023 draft budget and a report by those who attended the 225th PC(USA) General Assembly. As the presbytery continues to live into its Matthew 25 initiative work, the group will explore the idea of “When I Was Captive.” The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.
An optional lunch with fellowship will be offered immediately following the conclusion of the Stated Meeting for those who want to stay.
Additional details – including instructions on how to register for the meeting and lunch registration instructions – will be available soon. Please check the Presbytery Meeting page at https://lakemichiganpresbytery.org for updated information.
Docket requests for this meeting must be submitted by Friday, August 19, 2022 via an online form available here.
Requests submitted via this online form will be considered for inclusion on the September 17 docket.
Requests for Thirty-Second Announcements also must be submitted by Friday, August 19, 2022 via an online form available here.
Thirty-Second Announcements are just that: 30 seconds of screen time projected before and after the Stated Meeting as congregations and presbytery groups share information about activities, programs and ideas that might interest other presbytery members. Each announcement may include an informational screen and/or a video clip but cannot last more than 30 seconds. Presbytery staff will work with the identified contact person to prepare the announcement.
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