Participants in the next “Equipping Preachers” workshop will explore “When Good News Is Harder to Find in the Wake of Trauma” in a conversation about how to respond via sermons when traumatic incidents inevitably occur.
The free online program from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 3, 2022, will be facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner, assistant professor of homiletics in the Axel Jacob and Gerda Maria (Swanson) Carlson Chair in Homiletics at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
Click here for more details about the workshop that will provide ideas about how to faithfully and helpfully respond to the varied mass traumas that impact almost every community. Click here to register.
The workshop is part of a monthly series about preaching coordinated by the Synod of the Covenant as it pursues the Matthew 25 goal of supporting congregational vitality. The workshops are held online from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month.
In September, workshop participants will explore the idea of “Sunday’s Sermons for Monday’s World” with guidance from the Rev. Dr. Sally Brown, author of a recent book by the same title and Princeton Seminary’s Elizabeth M. Engle Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship Emerita.
Click here for more details about the September 7, 2022 program, and click here to register.
In November, workshop participants will explore “Teaching in the Valley of Dry Bones” with the Rev. Dr. Luke A. Powery, dean of the Duke University Chapel and associate professor of homiletics at Duke Divinity School.
Click here for more details about the November 2, 2022 program, and click here to register.
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