Dear Friends,

The Youth Strategies Committee met this morning and had a hard conversation.  Due to multiple reasons (lack of time, challenges with recruiting speakers/musicians/youth, unexpected registration issues, and more) we decided to cancel the MI Youth Mini-Triennium that had been planned for July 22-24. As of today, we only had one youth registered.  Many families had already made summer plans.

Additionally, we did not feel we could offer a quality weekend for the youth, and so we will “pivot” once again and channel those energies into planning the next events.  Currently we are looking at a Michigan Adventure day in August, as well as planning Urban Plunge in the Fall.

We are all disappointed, but as with many things in the past 2 years, we’ve learned to adapt and move forward.

Thank you for your support, your willingness to help, and your prayers.
Please help us get the word out that the event has been canceled.

Lynne Fry
Moderator of Youth Strategies Committee