Registration is underway for the second and third sessions of the “Safe Space for Pastors” program.
The program – offered through a partnership between the Presbytery of Lake Michigan and Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services – features a licensed therapist facilitating up to six conversations between pastors about the challenges and impacts of COVID on our congregations.
The informal conversations provide a chance for pastors to focus a bit on self-care, support each other, and process what the pandemic has done to ministry.
The second session is scheduled from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays from June 8-29 and July 13-20. (There will be no meeting on July 6 due to the Fourth of July holiday.) This session can be held in person or online depending on what the participants want to do. Participants are not required to attend all six meetings being held during the second session but can attend as many of the meetings that they choose. If possible, registration is requested by June 1, 2022.
The third session is scheduled from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Thursdays from August 4-25 and September 8-15 via Zoom. (There will be no meeting September 1 due to the Labor Day Holiday). Participants are not required to attend all six meetings being held during the third session but can attend as many of the meetings that they choose. If possible, registration is requested by July 28, 2022.
Click here to register for either session.
There is no cost to participate in this program being led by licensed therapist Michael Reiffer, Southwest Clinic Manager for Pine Rest, due to a generous grant from the PC(USA) Office of Mental Health Ministry.
This is a health and wellness program being offered by the presbytery; participants will not be considered clients of Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services. All information shared during the sessions is confidential. No information that is shared will be disclosed to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan or its leaders.
More details are available by contacting Elder Allison Goshorn, facilitator of the presbytery’s Administration Support Team, at agoshorn@purdue.edu or the presbytery’s office manager at office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org.
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