The interim pastor at Pennfield Presbyterian Church in Battle Creek will be the featured preacher April 3 on the nationally broadcast “Day 1” ecumenical radio program.

The sermon by the Rev. Dr. Annemarie Kidder is titled ”Poured Out” and drawn from the story in John 12:1-11 of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus with costly perfume.

“It is certain whatever we do for Jesus, whatever jar we open for his benefit will not go unnoticed,” she says.

The “Day 1” broadcast also features host Peter Wallace interviewing Kidder, who recorded her sermon during a trip to Atlanta in February.  Listeners can hear Kidder’s sermon and interviews on the April 3 radio broadcast or via a podcast available online at

Kidder, who has served as interim pastor at Pennfield since 2018, came to the United States from Germany through Rotary International on a full scholarship to do graduate studies in journalism at the University of Missouri. After graduation, she earned her M.Div. and PhD from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. For six years, she was an associate professor at Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit. She has served several churches as interim pastor; written, edited and translated a number of books; and written and translated hymns.

“Day 1” has been broadcast weekly for 77 years, and formerly was “The Protestant Hour.” The program is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media in Atlanta and currently is distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas.

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