Limited-time changes that expand eligibility for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program may help ministers and other church leaders qualify for help.
Information about those changes will be discussed during an informational webinar to be held via Zoom at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 24 and again at 2 p.m. Thursday, January 27.
Click here and scroll down the page to find Zoom link details to access each webinar that will be presented by PC(USA) representatives with PeopleJoy, a group that specializes in student loan and student debt forgiveness.
“With PSLF, qualifying federal student loan debt is forgiven after 10 years of service to a qualifying employer,” says Mel Tubb, a Presbyterian Mission Agency associate for Financial Aid for Service who graduated from seminary nearly a decade ago with more than $85,000 in student loan debt.
“Many ministers and other church leaders who used to be excluded from PSLF are now included with a chance to have their previous service count retroactively. That’s a huge change.”
Learn more about Tubb’s experience in a January 12, 2022 Presbyterian News Service article by Paul Seebeck.
Tubb and others will discuss their real-life experiences with student loan debt during the webinars and PSLF program changes that will expire October 31, 2022. The conversation will include how individuals can reapply for student loan forgiveness even if they were explicitly told they weren’t eligible.
Individuals serving within the PC(USA) and seeking relief from student loan debt may find additional educational debt management resources here.
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