“Our UKirk students are putting together a full virtual worship service available for churches to use on Sunday, December 26 as a way to give your pastor(s) and staff a Sunday break right after Advent and Christmas Eve.” Picture from https://www.facebook.com/UKirkMichiganState
Students involved with UKirk at Michigan State University are working to produce a full virtual worship service that congregations can use on Sunday, December 26.
“We know that particular Sunday comes very quickly after all the Advent and Christmas Eve worship services,” says UKirk campus minister Neil Myer. “We hope that churches will consider giving their pastors and staff a Sunday respite by using this virtual service as pulpit supply.”
The service will be based on Luke 2:41-52, which is the lectionary for the day.
Anyone interested should send a message to neil@ukirkmsu.org to receive a unique link to the video file that can be set to premier on Facebook, post on their YouTube channel or play within a Zoom meeting.
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