Anyone currently or previously serving in Christian education or formation roles is asked to complete a brief questionnaire as the Office of the General Assembly works to better support those working in the field.
The survey – available here – is being conducted in partnership with the PC(USA) Research Services to fill a directive that came from a special committee report during the 223rd General Assembly (2018) to gather data about certified and non-certified Christian educators.
Questions will help gather information about who works in the field of Christian education and formation, where people serve in ministry in those fields, and how individuals are compensated. This will allow the denomination to understand employment and benefit trends and discover needs that might exist, help mid counsels write compensation guidelines and identify individuals with gifts to share.
“Christian educators and those who serve in ministries and formation are vital to the church,” says Martha Miller, the OGA’s Manager for Ministry and Education Support. “We encourage all who are serving, and all who have served, in these important ministries to respond to this brief questionnaire so we can provide more effective support to the ministries that help form disciples of all ages.
Miller’s comments were included in a September 28, 2021, article by Mark Koenig about the survey. Click here to read the full article posted online by the Presbyterian News Service.
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