Registration is now open to attend one of four online conversations being held in early October by Presbytery of Lake Michigan leaders to gather feedback about the 2022 proposed budget plan.

The first reading of the 2022 proposed budget and the relative narrative were presented during the September 18 Stated Meeting.

  • Below are copies of the documents referenced in the presentation. 
  • Scroll down to view video segments recorded by Budget & Finance Committee members to explain the 2022 proposed budget narrative. Budget and finance report begins at 01:38:57.

Those who desire to ask questions or comment about the 2022 proposed budget and the relative narrative will be able to do so during one of four online conversations scheduled in October. Written feedback also may be submitted within an email directed to

Three of the conversations are reserved for congregations, their session members, active teaching elders, ruling elders not serving on a session and congregational members to discuss and comment on the 2022 proposed budget.  The previously listed persons from a congregation will be able to participate in the budget conversation during one of the following Zoom webinar sessions:

  •  2 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, October 10, 2021,
  •  4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, October 10, 2021, and
  • 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

Those who cannot participate in the Zoom conversation time selected by their congregation are encouraged to send written comments and questions via email to

One conversation is reserved for any teaching elder who is a member at large (MAL), serving in a validated ministry (VM) or honorably retired (HR), or any individual working with a campus ministry. That conversation will be held from

  •  2 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, October 11, 2021. 

Anyone included in these groups who is unable to join this Zoom conversation is encouraged to send written comments and questions via email to 

Each online conversation is scheduled to last 90 minutes.

Each person must register individually but, again, we are specifying that all of those individuals from one congregation must register and attend the same Zoom conversation. The assumption is that all of those individuals from one congregation who attend the same Zoom conversation will be able to share information with others in the same congregation who were not able to be present. The last day to register is Monday, October 4, 2021.

Click here to complete an online form and register to attend one of the four conversations about the 2022 proposed budget.

Those who register to attend a session will get an email with the Zoom link details by 5 p.m. on the last business day before the event. The information will be sent to the email participants provide during the registration process.

Send questions to