No changes are being made by The Board of Pensions in the Pastor’s Participation dues for 2022.
That’s the decision Board of Pensions directors announced after their annual meeting in June that included review of the 2020 audited financial statements and the 2020 annual review.
As a result, the medical dues for Pastor’s Participation will remain at 27 percent of effective salary for 2022, with no change to the minimum dues basis, and the total dues will remain at 37 percent of effective salary for the fifth consecutive year. The comprehensive benefits package for ministers includes family medical coverage in the preferred provider organization (PPO), 27 percent, the Defined Benefit Pension Plan, 8.5 percent; Death and Disability Plan, 1 percent; and Temporary Disability Plan, 0.5 percent.
Employers, including local congregations, will find this information helpful as they prepare to select 2022 insurance benefits for pastors and other employees.
The annual review of Employer Agreements will be available on Benefits Connect from July 19 through October 8, 2021. During this period, employers can review and select the benefits that will be offered to employees during 2022. Click here for more information about the benefits review and selection process.
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