Applications now are being accepted from individuals interested in serving as commissioners for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan during the 225th annual PC(USA) General Assembly in 2022.
While the logistics and other General Assembly planning are still in the works, the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly has announced that a hybrid model is set that will allow for in-person committee meetings and online plenaries to take place between June 18 and July 9, 2022. Click here to read more about planning work.
Meanwhile, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will elect two teaching elder commissioners, two ruling elder commissioners and one Young Adult Advisory Delegate during its September 18, 2021 Stated Meeting.
Presbytery members interested in serving as a commissioner or YAAD may find an application below or by clicking here then scroll down to the Nominating & Representation tab to find the appropriate application form. Completed applications and supporting documents – with appropriate Session, pastor or Commission on Ministry endorsements – must be submitted via email to office@lakemichiganpresbytery.org no later than Friday, July 15, 2021.
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