The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 1, via electronic meeting technology. The keynote address and message will be delivered by the Rev. Molly Casteel, PC(USA) Equity and Representation Manager and Assistant Stated Clerk.

Those commissioners with voice and vote who registered to attend the meeting will receive Zoom link details on Monday, November 30 via the email address provided during the registration process. All others may observe the meeting via a live stream link that will be available on the presbytery’s website.

The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated during the December 1 Stated Meeting. Please make sure you have some Communion elements available near your electronic device – some grape juice or wine and some bread.

* Find the Stated Meeting packet under the “Presbytery Meetings” tab or by clicking below.

*  Also find information about virtual meeting protocols on the website under the Stated Meetings tab. (We are not using Zoom Webinar this time.) The protocols explain how you will enter the meeting space this time (via a waiting room), how you should enter your screen name (First name and Last Name – Congregation or Group), how you raise your hands to be recognized for making comment, how you should cast a vote, etc.)

*  Orientation for newly elected commissioners is slated for 9 a.m. Monday, November 30, via a Zoom meeting. Orientation information will be sent directly to those individuals who identified themselves during the Stated Meeting registration process as coming to their first presbytery meeting. Others who want to attend the orientation should send a message to