Topics in this eDIGEST:


  1. SEEKING: Individuals to fill PLM leadership roles
  2. ACCESS: Advent worship series from Synod of the Covenant
  3. NOTE: Registration open, packet materials sought for 12/1 Stated Meeting
  4. SUBMIT: Photos to tell stories in PC(USA) 2021-22 planning calendar
  5. REMEMBER: Clerks to review minutes, prepare for annual statistical report


SEEKING: Individuals to fill PLM leadership roles


Changing times mean that many within the Presbytery of Lake Michigan are focused on individual, family, or congregational needs. But, in our connectional Presbyterian system, we depend on each other for assistance, help and coping resources.

So the Nominating & Representation Committee constantly seeks individuals willing to help the presbytery conduct its business.

Currently, the committee seeks:

Two (2) individuals to fill at-large positions on the Leadership Team. Preference will be given to ruling elder nominees to assist in achieving balanced representation.

Three (3) ruling elders to serve on the Commission on Ministry – East Region.

Two (2) ruling elders and two (2) teaching elders to serve on the Commission on Ministry – North Region.

Three (3) ruling elders and one (1) teaching elder to serve on the Commission on Ministry – Southwest Region.

To nominate yourself or someone else for a leadership role within the presbytery, please send the name, a short statement of qualifications and contact information for each nominee to the Nominations & Representation Committee Moderator, the Rev. Nelson Lumm, at 



ACCESS: Advent worship series from Synod of the Covenant


Pastors, worship leaders, musicians and tech gurus have worked hard this year to create and offer meaningful worship services during the pandemics. To provide these leaders a bit of Sabbath, the Synod of the Covenant is offering virtual worship services that can be used throughout Advent.

Presbytery and Synod leaders are planning the services – which can be live streamed or downloaded – complete with sermons and scriptures from November 22, Christ the King Sunday, through December 27, Christmas 1. The attached flyer details which services are being prepared by which groups. (The service on December 20, Advent 4, will feature our presbytery.)

A complete schedule of the services and celebrants may be found here. Each service will be posted at least three days before its scheduled use.




NOTE: Registration open, packet materials sought for 12/1 Stated Meeting


The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, December 1, via electronic meeting technology. The keynote address and message will be delivered by the Rev. Molly Casteel, PC(USA) Equity and Representation Manager and Assistant Stated Clerk.

Click here to register for the meeting. Those who intend to vote must register by Monday, November 23, for the Zoom session. Everyone else will be able to observe the meeting via a live stream video link.

*  Materials to be included in the Stated Meeting packet should be submitted by Tuesday, November 17 to The preliminary packet will be published by November 21, and the final packet will be published by November 28.

Virtual meeting protocol training for participants, especially those making presentations or participating in specific portions of the meeting, will be offered at 2:30 p.m. Monday, November 23. Some different protocols will be used at this meeting so the Lord’s Supper may be celebrated. Register for the virtual meeting protocol training session by clicking here.

*  Orientation for newly designated commissioners will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, November 24 via a Zoom meeting. Registration information for this session will be sent directly to those individuals who identify themselves during the Stated Meeting registration process as coming to their first presbytery meeting.



SUBMIT: Photos to tell stories in PC(USA) 2021-22 planning calendar


Posted November 10, 2020  
By Mike Ferguson    |  Presbyterian News Service 


Photos tell a story, and your group might have a chance to their story in the PC(USA) 2021-22 planning calendar.

Presbyterians are invited to tell the world – through images – all the ways their church is carrying out the Matthew 25 invitation. Simply submit photographs by February 16, 2021 of activities happening within your congregation or group and they might be used in the next PC(USA) planning calendar. (The 2020-21 planning calendar features a picture in August of a lakefront baptism in Grand Haven.)

More information about submitting photographs for consideration, including access to an online form, is available by clicking here.

More Information


REMEMBER: Clerks to review minutes, prepare for annual statistical report


Session clerks will review minutes books during a special Zoom session at 10 a.m. this Saturday, November 14. As clerks work together on this annual task, the presbytery’s Stated Clerk, Rev. Fran Lane-Lawrence will be available to answer questions and provide guidance. Session clerks should email if they did not receive the needed Zoom meeting link earlier this week.

Meanwhile, Session clerks should mark Friday, December 4, as the date the on-line statistical reporting system at will open for the PC(USA) 2020 Session Annual Statistical Report. Workbooks will only be available by download from this link. Sessions should approve the statistical report contents as soon as possible after December 31. The deadline for entering the statistical reports is Friday, February 12, 2021. After that date, the online system will no longer be available.

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