Prayer Requests
Westminster Presbyterian Church of Portage celebrates that:
- Live-streaming worship at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday is going better than we could have anticipated, reaching most of our congregation and some other folks. We have much gratitude for our small cadre of musicians and a dedicated tech crew who have worked hard to improve the experience and get us prepared so we may continue live-streaming even after we resume in-person worship so we can better serve those who can’t get to church every week.
- Our eighth annual Westminster Art Festival, postponed in the spring is now underway with an exhibit in our narthex of thoughtful inspiring images and words about the theme “Sacred Places, Wild Spaces.”
The congregation seeks prayers for:
- A need . . . for a part-time administrative assistant in the church office. Please pray that God will lead us to the right person.
- A concern . . . for some of our members having a difficult time just now because of isolation, financial stresses or other challenges.

First Presbyterian Church of Battle Creek . . .a place where nobody’s perfect and everybody’s welcome.
Westminster Presbyterian Church believes that a faith community is essential in today’s busy and sometimes disconnected world. Sure, you can believe in God all by yourself, but it’s better to have company and encouragement. Sure, you can try and follow Jesus on your own, but when Jesus invited people to follow him, he invited them to be part of a community. In his name, we extend that invitation to you.
It is a joy to be a part of this community of faith . . . We’d love to have you be a part of it with us.
Our congregational energy is directed towards
* Inspiring worship

Keep in touch with us!
1515 Helen Avenue
Portage, MI 49002
Phone: (269) 344-3966
Email: westminsterpc@wpcportage.org
Co-pastors: Rev. Jerry Duggins and Rev. Janet Duggins
Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God. |
Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.
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