Topics in this eDIGEST:


  1. ATTEND: Scholarships available for online Stewardship Kaleidoscope
  2. LEARN: GLAPCE offers free conference about “Equipping the Church to Welcome All” 
  3. NOTE: Registration open for September 19 PLM Stated Meeting
  4. SEEKING: Information for presbytery’s 2020 Terms of Call report


ATTEND: Scholarships available for online Stewardship Kaleidoscope


The annual Stewardship Kaleidoscope conference to help participants explore stewardship and develop generous disciples is moving online this year, and some scholarships are available via the Presbyterian Foundation to help defray the $45 registration fee.

The interdenominational conference will include a webinar from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (ET) on three consecutive Tuesdays — September 22, September 29 and October 6. Each session will focus on a different theme related to “The Currents of Faith: The Stewardshift of Change in Community, Technology and Across Generations.” More details and registration information is available at www.stewardship

To obtain a scholarship, contact Stephen Keizer with the Presbyterian Foundation’s Great Lakes Region Ministry at (866) 317-0751 or



LEARN: GLAPCE offers free conference about “Equipping the Church to Welcome All” 


A free online program about “Equipping the Church to Welcome All: Gender Identity/ Fluidity/ Pronouns” is being hosted by the Great Lakes Association of Presbyterian Church Educators.

The program will feature a webinar at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 14, and another webinar at 10 a.m. Thursday, October 15. The presenters are the Rev. Shanea D. Leonard with the Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries for the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the Rev. Jess Cook who was the first openly non-binary person ordained as a minster of the Word and Sacrament in the PC(USA).

More details about the program which is open to everyone and registration links may be found on the GLAPCE Facebook page. 



NOTE: Registration open for September 19 PLM Stated Meeting


The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 19, via electronic meeting technology.

Meeting Registration now open

 Teaching elders, designated elder commissioners and ruling elders assigned voting rights to balance the rolls need to register for the Zoom webinar session by clicking here between now and Friday, September 12. After that date, registered participants will be sent a unique link that must be used to access the meeting space where dialogue and voting will happen.

Everyone else who wishes to view the meeting will be asked to watch via a live-stream broadcast. Details about how to access that link will be distributed by September 12.

Teaching elders who are unable to attend the September 19 virtual meeting should remember to request an excused absence by using this link.


The preliminary meeting docket and packet materials will be available on the presbytery website and in the Presbytery Records folder by Saturday, September 5, so that participants may review the information and print copies for themselves. The final docket and materials will be available by Saturday, September 12.  The presbytery will NOT provide any printed packets for this meeting.

Orientation for new designated commissioners

Orientation for any new designated commissioners – both ruling elders and teaching elders – will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, September 17, via a Zoom meeting. Registration information for this session will be sent directly to these individuals.

Meeting Practice Sessions

To help the meeting run as smoothly as possible, a training for commissioners is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Monday, September 14.  Participants will have a chance to see how Zoom Webinar functions AND become familiar with specific protocols that will be used during the presbytery’s Stated Meeting. Watch for details about how to register for this session. 



SEEKING: Information for presbytery’s 2020 Terms of Call report

Work is underway to compile the 2020 Terms of Call report for the Presbytery of Lake Michigan. This report is compiled from information that each congregation is required to submit annually about the compensation package provided to the teaching elder(s) called to serve their church.

Forms to report the Terms of Call may be found on the presbytery’s website. The information may be reported via an online form or via an Adobe file that may be downloaded, filled out and returned as an attachment to

Some congregations already have submitted their information for the 2020 report. If you are among these congregations, thank you! If you are not, please submit your information now so that it may be included in the 2020 TOC report to be presented during the December 1 Stated Meeting,