Clerks of Session
Leaders of Faith Communities
Grace to you and peace,
The Presbytery of Lake Michigan approved specific actions at its December 4, 2018 Stated Meeting related to use of the proceeds from the sale of some properties owned by the presbytery and formerly used by Camp Greenwood. The Leadership Team, in concert with the Budget and Finance Committee, took steps earlier this year to implement those decisions.
Each Session and leaders of Faith Communities received a letter dated February 25, 2020 inviting applications by May 14, 2020 for use of the monies as designated. However, only one application was received prior to the deadline. That application was approved.
We recognize that the advent of the pandemic in March may have diverted the attention and energies of many.
The Leadership Team has approved the establishment of a second round of applications for this year only. The deadline for this second round of applications is October 15, 2020. We encourage you to publicize the availability of these funds to your congregation or faith community.
E. Declare that proceeds from sales of these properties received by the Presbytery shall be designated as follows:
- 40% of all proceeds shall be placed in a fund for youth ministries
Focus of expenditure shall be given to children and youth leadership development as recommended by the Dynamic Leaders Team and approved by the PLM Leadership Team.
Monies to be spent equally between youth ministries within the Presbytery and camping scholarships. The camping scholarships shall be available to any young person affiliated with a congregational or missional worshipping community within the Presbytery wishing to go to Camp Greenwood or to any Presbyterian-related camp within Michigan, Ohio, or Indiana.
Accruing interest on these funds shall be added to fund reserve each year.
No more than 6% of the end of year corpus shall be spent each of first 5 years.
After 5 years, new provisions shall be approved by the Presbytery.
- 40% of the proceeds shall be placed in a fund to benefit the congregations and worshipping communities within the Presbytery consistent with the Presbytery goal to “resource and support congregations for healthy and vital ministries.”
Focus shall be missional community outreach, justice ministries, and nurturing new worshipping communities.
Priority to be given to ministries showing greatest potential for development.
Accruing interest on these funds shall be added to fund reserve each year.
No more than 6% of the end of year corpus shall be spent each of first 5 years.
After 5 years, new provisions shall be approved by the Presbytery.
- 20% of the proceeds shall be unrestricted.
- Accruing interest on these funds shall be added to fund reserve each year.
- No more than 6% of the year end corpus shall be spent in each of first 5 years.
- After 5 years, new provisions shall be approved by the Presbytery.
- The Presbytery Leadership Team shall have the authority to interpret and distribute funds in a manner it finds consistent with Part E of this recommendation or may authorize as needed appropriate and duly appointed committee(s) or commission(s) to do the same.
Details for how these provisions are now being implemented include:
- The 2019 year-end corpus is $275,323.16.
Gain on sale of lots was $313,498.85 less the 2019 related expenses of $38,175.69. (These expenses included survey fees, appraisal fees, and related attorney fees.)
- Applying the adopted formulae yields the following amounts available.
- Unrestricted (20%) corpus base is $55,064.63. Applying the 6% factor results in $3,303.88.
- Congregation/ worshipping communities (40%) base is $110,129.26. Applying the 6% factors results in $6,607.76.
- Youth Ministries corpus base is $110,119.26. Applying the 6% factor results in $6,607.76.
- The criteria approved during the December 4, 2018 Stated Meeting will be applied in granting monies for each specified area.
- The following process will be used to grant these monies.
- Application forms will be available on the presbytery’s web site or from the presbytery office.
- Completed applications are to be submitted to the presbytery office no later than Thursday, October 15, 2020. A paper application may be submitted to the presbytery office via postal delivery; electronic applications should be submitted to
- The Leadership Team or its designee will act on the applications on or before Tuesday, November 10, 2020.
- Applicants will be notified on or before Thursday, November 19, 2020.
Thank you for your partnership in ministry as together we serve God’s people.
Cal Bremer Fran Lane-Lawrence
Transitional Co-Leader Transitional Co-Leader/ Stated Clerk
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