Prayer Requests
First Presbyterian Church of Cadillac offers prayers of thanksgiving that:
- The Rev. Michael Horlocker was called to serve the congregation early this year and was installed March 1. Pastor Mike is grateful he had two months to get to know many of the church members and friends before the pandemic shut things down.
- Worship has resumed outside on the lawn where members are surrounded by God’s creations. Recordings of the services are uploaded to the church website for those unable to worship in person.
- The congregation continues sharing the love of Christ in the Cadillac community through its hunger ministries, building a new homeless shelter (New Hope Rescue Mission), and as new program called “Stories on the Lawn.”
The congregation also prays for:
- Our medical community and healthcare workers who are on the front-line fighting COVID-19.
- Teachers, school administrators and planners, students and parents.
- Those suffering with depression, anxiety and loneliness during this time of physical distancing.
- The church, that the Holy Spirit will lead us, guide us and inspire us as we share the love of Christ in our community and abroad according to God’s will.

Located at the corner of Harris and Simon Streets in the historic district of Cadillac, First Presbyterian Church is the oldest church building in the city still used as a church. But the church is more than a historic landmark. The congregation is vibrant and active, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit as its members share the love of Christ in Cadillac and throughout the world.
When our worship service ends, our work in the world begins.

Keep in touch with us!
222 East Harris Street
Cadillac, MI 49601
Phone: (231) 775-7111
Email: secretaryfpccadillac@gmail.com
Pastor: Rev. Michael Horlocker
Each week, the Presbytery of Lake Michigan lifts up one of our faith communities in prayer as part of our mission in Christ. Please share information about this community and their prayer petitions in your church so we can help bring each other closer to God. |
Congregations and ministries within the presbytery are invited on a rotating basis to submit information for the Prayers for Churches profile. Thank you for providing information for these special communications.
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