The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Lake Michigan will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 9, via electronic platforms.

That’s the decision the presbytery’s Leadership Team reached during a May 7 meeting. While specific details of how things will operate are still being determined, some details about the meeting structure, contents and preparations are set.


Teaching elders and designated elder commissioners with voting rights will be asked to register for a Zoom webinar session. Details about the registration process – which will open May 15 and close June 2 — will be distributed soon. Anyone else who wants to attend the meeting will be asked to watch a live-stream broadcast.


The agenda will be pared down to only worship and essential business. Docket requests must be submitted by Friday, May 22, to for review by the Stated Clerk. To the extent possible, all reports to the presbytery will be given in written format and included in the written packet so that everyone has easy access to accurate information. Written reports must be sent to by 2 p.m. Thursday, May 28.

Keynote Speaker

There will be no keynote speaker or activity at this Stated Meeting. However, comments will be offered by the Rev. Dr. Charles (Chip) Hardwick, who now is the transitional executive of the Synod of Covenant.


The meeting packet will be available on the presbytery website and in the Presbytery Records folder by Tuesday, June 2 so that participants may review the information and print copies for themselves. The presbytery will NOT provide any printed packets for this meeting.

Orientation for new designated commissioners

Orientation for any new designated commissioners will be held at 9 a.m. Monday, June 8, via a Zoom meeting. Registration information for this session will be sent directly to these individuals.

30-Second Announcements

There will be no 30-second announcements gathered or used during this virtual Stated Meeting so the focus remains on getting business conducted. If you have information about programs or activities or ideas to share with those in the presbytery, feel free to send it to for possible inclusion in the Daily Digest email.

Please be patient as preparations are made for this virtual Stated Meeting. Together, we will challenge, encourage, equip and hold one another accountable at Christ’s disciples.