Featured in Local News
The United Church of Big Rapids was featured April 17 by the Big Rapids Press in an article about how “Project Starburst continues to feed those in need” to residents of Mecosta and Osceola County. The non-profit food bank serves hundreds of people from the bottom floor of the church. Check out the short article below:

Check out their social media page
Also visit the church’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/UnitedBigRapids/ where the congregation posts links to their weekly online worship services and the Rev. J. T. Hills posts video blogs with thoughts like this one about what happens when things don’t go as planned. (Specifically when a shipment package spoils a gift surprise.) Grace first, he says, and we’ll figure out the rest as we go.
Scrolling through posts also connects you with one about a project the church undertook creating some 3,600 origami butterflies used to decorate the sanctuary for Easter 2019 . . . and offering prayers over the project.

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