Gov. Gretchen Whitmer shared a variety of information during a press conference on Monday, April 13, about the coronavirus crisis response in Michigan.

The presentation included updated statistics about the number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases and deaths caused by the virus. Find the most current data online below:

The governor also spoke about several new executive orders she has signed, including:

  1. EO 2020-43 which extends a previous order that places of public accommodation, including restaurants and bars, must remain closed for now and continue to limit services to carry-out and delivery orders.
  2. EO 2020-44 which maintains relief from weight and other delivery-related restrictions for vehicles carrying essential supplies to mitigate the spread of COVID 19.
  3. EO 2020-45 which allows certain administrative hearings to be held by video conference or phone in place of in-person hearings.
  4. EO 2020-46 which tasks the Michigan Liquor Control Commission with initiating a spirits buy-back program to offer financial relief to bars and restaurants with on-premises liquor licenses affected by a previous executive order that prohibits bars, restaurants and other places of public of accommodation for letting people gather.
  5. EO 2020-47 temporarily expends the expiration date of valid driver’s licenses, state identification cards and commercial vehicle registrations that would otherwise expire on or after March 1, 2020 (during the state’s COVID-19 emergency declaration) to June 30 and suspends penalties for driving with a recently expired but otherwise valid registration. The temporary extension does NOT apply to motorists with suspended or revoked driver’s licenses.  People looking to renew their licenses should do so online at