Dues relief and other assistance is being extended to churches and employers by The Board of Pensions as we move through the COVID-19 crisis.

Dues relief for the smallest churches
Dues relief will be granted on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the presbytery/synod, for those congregations no larger than 300 people with a single pastor enrolled in Pastor’s Participation that self-identify as having extreme need. Up to 3 months dues will be waived, with no change to benefits. Dues for other employees may be deferred up to two months. Benefits would not be affected and no interest charge.
Dues relief for other churches
Churches that participate in the Benefits Plan but don’t meet the small church criteria may be able to receive deferments of up to 2 months on payments for minister and employee coverage. There will be no change in benefits and no interest charge.
Updates about other benefits
Information about benefit changes is detailed on the Board of Pensions website at the button below:
The changes include:
- Deductibles and copayments waived under PPO and EPO options for inpatient treatment of COVID-19 at a network hospital.
- Changes to tax-advantaged accounts and reimbursement of over-the-counter drugs.
- How current legislation affects and enhances your Retirement Savings Plan account.
- Disability payments continued regardless of whether or not disabled members are able to attend doctor’s appointments or provide medical information.
Details about the support being offered by The Board may be found at the button below or by calling (800) 773-7752 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.
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