It is the responsibility of each congregation to review annually the adequacy of their minister’s terms of call (Book of Order G-2.0804 Terms of Call), and to submit an accurate report to the Presbytery of Lake Michigan stating what the minster’s terms of call will be in the coming year.
Two different forms are available to help you gather and submit the information.
- One is a fillable form that can be downloaded ((here)) then filled out on the computer and returned as an email attachment to[After downloading the form, save a copy of the file to your computer before you begin to enter the requested data and save it again several times as you key the information. Otherwise, your data will be lost.]
- One is an online form that can be accessed ((here)). Simply enter the requested information and click the submission tab at the end of the form [You may want to download and print a copy of the fillable form so that you may gather all the information needed to efficiently complete the online form.]
There also are some reference documents available on the Presbytery website, including a copy of the Presbytery policy about minimum terms of call and information from the Board of Pensions about understanding what Total Effective Salary includes.
The deadline to submit this information is Friday, February 15, so the Presbytery’s Terms of Call report can be presented during the March 16 Stated Meeting.
Feel free to contact the Presbytery office if you have questions about this process.
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