Educator Fellowship Regional Groups
- The Lansing area group of Christian educators will get together again in the spring of 2015.
- The Grand Rapids area group will gather again in the spring of 2015.
APCE 2015 in Baltimore
The APCE (The Association of Presbyterian Church Educators) Annual Event in 2016 will be January 27-30 in Chicago, Illinois.t
GLAPCE (the Great Lakes region of APCE)
POINT Educators Ready to Support your
Congregation’s Ministry of Education
Presbyterians Organized in Nurture and Teaching (POINT) is a network of experienced church educators who are available to serve churches in the presbytery by assisting them in developing their educational ministry. POINT volunteers can meet with a Christian Education committee or other church leaders to discuss existing programs, and brainstorm new possibilities for ministry. They can lead workshops on teacher training, evaluation of curriculum, or present choices for choosing new curriculum.
The POINT network is a ministry of the General Assembly Council through Educational Ministries. Volunteers attend a yearly training event to learn about new resources and ways to assist congregations. Information and resources can be found at
The Presbytery of Lake Michigan has two POINT persons. Please call or email any one of them to set up a meeting, ask advice, or just talk about an issue.
Eileen Best (Kalamazoo) 269-381-6337 (presbytery office)
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