This is the third anniversary of the Justice League of Greater Lansing Michigan. The JLGLM was established in 2021 and is happily celebrating three years of working to “repair the breach” caused by slavery and its aftermath. The JLGLM’s model is designed to have the disparities caused by slavery and its aftermath addressed by Reparations. Reparations are paid in the spirit of repentance for the sins of slavery, its aftermath of gross human rights violations — including genocide, violence, land theft, incarceration and police violence — and complicity in the misbelief of white supremacy.

The solution is a faith-based model for reparations. The Justice League builds relationships and facilitates reparations between predominately white houses of worship, collaborative partners and individuals to close the racial wealth gap that exists between Black and white residents. This specifically means increasing wealth equity for descendants of enslaved African Americans in the Greater Lansing Area (GLA). Reparations will support education, home ownership, and entrepreneur start-ups.

The JLGLM has experienced exciting, wonderful growth and increased positive relationships in the greater Lansing community in 2024. We are extremely proud to say that we have met an important goal in 2024, we received over $400,000.00 in Reparations and paid out $50,000.00 in educational scholarships to 10 college bound high school graduates who are descendants of enslaved African Americans! Through the efforts of our supporters, we paid REPARATIONS! Those 10 students have been profiled on our webpage and through local print and broadcast media. The students received their $5,000 scholarships on Aug 3, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year. The students will be honored at our Fall Celebration. Please go to our website for details on all the students. JLGLM website:

This is our third anniversary Fall Celebration. The Celebration this year will be held at the Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU) Corporate Office Community Room, 3776 Coolidge Road, East Lansing, MI 48823.

At this Celebration we have the honor of having the newly elected Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Reverend Jihyun Oh as our keynote speaker. The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is the chief ecclesial officer of the denomination. Elected to four-year terms, the Stated Clerk carries out the ecumenical and constitutional functions of the General Assembly of PC(USA). Rev. Oh was elected and installed at the 226th General Assembly in Salt Lake City in the summer of 2024. She is the first Korean American to serve in the denomination’s highest office, only the second woman, and the first woman of color elected to lead the PC(USA) in its more than 300-year history in the U.S.

Rev. Oh earned undergraduate degrees in Biology and German Studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Master of Science in Finance from Florida International University, and a Master of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. Jihyun is excited to come to Lansing and the Justice League of Greater Lansing Michigan is elated to have her join us in celebrating this our third year as an organization that aspires to stand in the gap and be agents for change, working to make racial and social justice a reality and fulfilling our goal of “repairing the breach…righting the wrong.”